Friday, April 20, 2012

Sleep On It

I have a 3000 word assignment due in 4 days.
And I tell myself I have a heap of time.
So I procrastinate.
And BOY do I procrastinate well.
So, on my favourite website, Open Culture, I see a talk from John Cleese,of whom I am a HUGE fan. 
(Well, obviously not huge enough to notice he was in Harry Potter, I was shocked I had missed this.)
The talk, on creativity, explains how we need to avoid distractions, set boundaries of space and time, sleep on a problem, and DO THE WORK. 
Hah, ironic that I watch this in the middle of doing the exact opposite of what he says.
Thanks irony, 
I will take the hint. 
(just after I blog about it)
And if you want to watch an older, longer talk on the same topic, this one would do the trick:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Inspire Me

My friend introduced me to this documentary last night.
"Bill Cunningham, New York"
The film follows Bill Cunningham, THE New York fashion photographer of the century.
It's a wonderful film.
And I fully recommend watching it if you have a spare evening. 
He is the most adorable old man, who bikes around the most wonderful city, and photographs the most creative fashions.
His many photographs have turned into one of the only documentations of the fashion trends throughout history, both on the street, and on the runway.
 He spends all his time talking these photographs. Not for the money, but for the enjoyment of doing so.
And he really does enjoy doing it.
One can learn a lot from this man.

Take a look at the trailer below, and hire the DVD when you can.
It's such a beautiful story.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

I am constantly seeing the "Keep Calm and Carry On" image
 on the internet, in book shops, on notebook covers, inspirational quote books,  
Then, I found this short doco on the origins of this poster.
Created for the Second World War, the poster of five simple words was intended for use in in times of crisis or invasion, but was never distributed. 30 years later, it was found and became one of the most popular posters of our time.
Its worth a watch.

As stated, countless iterations of this poster have been made.
Here is a few of my favourites;

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Drink Coffee and Make Mistakes

For some reason I find myself wanting to be better at that artsy, creative stuff.
I wish I could be as creative as the people I know.
But there's still a part of me that enjoys the struggle.
However, I enjoy the tips this video gives to one who wishes to "stay creative"
  • Sing in the shower
  • Drink coffee
  • Go somewhere new
  • Have fun
 See the full animated list in this video!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dear Elliot

The cutest tribute.
Brings a little tear to my eye. 
99 days, 99 Balloons

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bound Captivation

Sometimes I find myself walking into second-hand book stores, being captivated by the older books, and admiring their beauty. 
(Oscar Wilde, 1911)
The fragility, The smell, and the detail is beautiful.
I'm sure the literature is also great, but what I admire most is its aesthetic. 
My Oscar Wilde book of selected poems (above) was bought for this reason, and as much as I love his poetry, the book itself is my favourite one in the bookshelf.
Watch the amazing process of the creation of these old books:

Chickens Lay Chocolate

Happy Easter to You!!!
I get a bit of happiness out of giving other people chocolate,
so just yesterday my flatmate and I went and bought $70 worth of chocolate eggs and rabbits.
Then we came across this:

 Put in a 50c coin. 
It begins to cluck.
It lays an egg.
A marshmallow Easter egg.
In the middle of Kirkcaldie and Stains Department store; definitely worth finding.

SO much joy.
I hope you all manage to enjoy this Easter holiday too.